Golden Compass

Saw the shorts for this movie and thought it looked like a good escapist fantasy film so have put it in my list of movies to watch.

Then I receive one of those chain mail emails saying not to watch it because it is anti Christian and that Philip Pullman is an Atheist.

Instead of blindly following what the email said I thought I would do my own research on the subject. So here goes my thoughts.

1. The email was started by the Catholic League of America. They seem to be an extremist group. Even trying to make money by selling a "Why this is a bad movie" pamphlet (electronic download) for $5. Their web site

2. Have yet to find anything by Philip Pullman stating he is an Atheist.

3. Read the books (what a lot of people wouldn't have done) and whilst he does kill God (a very weak God at that) the books are about the triumph of good over evil. The church is very similar to a church of the 15th Century that had the Inquisition and good old witch hunts.

4. The Archbishop of Canterbury finds no problems with the books and has even suggested that they be taught in schools. Wikipedia Entry on the Trilogy

5. Looks like the Catholics do not like anything that goes against Catholic teachings as they also did not like the "Left Behind" series - written by Non Catholics and a Literal interpretation of Revelations.

Anyhow as a Christian I shall watch the movie and urge everyone to read the trilogy "His Dark Materials" with an open mind and if you are Christian your Faith will support you.

Also if you want to swee what people are saying about it try this site a few crazies but interesting


Anonymous said…
So have you seen it yet? I thought it was great but was a little shocked at how violent it was for a kids movie, but would recommend it with a warning.

I hope you are all settled after the move :-)